PCSO Contact Information
The PCSO contacts for Headbourne Worthy are:
PCSO 15075 Michelle Wilkinson – 07901102292
PCSO 13466 Kerry Croutear – 07976962677
PC 28364 Victoria McCallum – 07795454351
The Winchester Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team email address is winchester.rural.police@hamphire.police.uk This is the best email address to use as enquiries will be picked up by the whole team.
Please do not report a crime by email, please visit the Hampshire Constabulary website to report online or phone 101/999.
It is hoped that regular Beat Surgeries will be held in the West, to enable parishioners to meet with their local officers, to share any policing matters or concerns and receive crime prevention advice. The PCSOs appreciate that in recent times, it has been difficult to speak directly with the Police and we would like to make this a little easier for you, by arranging set date and times where you know where we’ll be. This is particularly important for the more vulnerable who perhaps don’t use social media and may need our help.
The Beat Surgeries will be posted on the News section of this website and on these pages.