Planning Applications
Winchester City Council is responsible for deciding most of the planning applications within Headbourne Worthy. In some circumstances, Hampshire County Council will make the decision. The City Council is responsible for consulting residents and interested parties on planning proposals and taking views into account in reaching a decision. Such views are one of many material planning considerations the City Council has to take into account. Members of the public can make their views known direct to the City Council online via the Planning website. Residents are normally consulted on applications by letter or by site notices if they live adjacent or nearby proposed developments.
Headbourne Worthy Parish Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications within the Parish. It is consulted at the same time as adjacent occupiers and must make its representations in the same timescales as other consultees.
The Parish Council will formally consider proposals that it is consulted on, normally at a monthly Council Meeting. It will then come to a decision on whether to support, object to or offer no objections to a proposal having taken into account the information it has at the time of its decision.
Planning Applications are available via the Winchester City Council Planning Portal.
Planning Policy
Winchester City Council uses its adopted Local Plan to determine planning applications within the district. In addition, WCC produced and adopted a Local Area Design Statement for Springvale Road, which identifies design criteria against which planning applications in the area will be assessed.
The document was adopted as supplementary to the Winchester District Local Plan Review by the Council on 01 February 2007.
Further information is available on local and national planning policy: